Pageviews from the past week

Monday, 27 June 2011

This morning I did something that I haven't done in over 6 years. Normally if I'm waking up at 5:30 am I'll get in the car and drive to my gym for a workout, but because I am now back running regularly I decided that I would go for a run. Because it's winter here in Melbourne, it is still dark at that time of the morning and running in the dark is the thing that I haven't done in years. I decided to stick to a busy road for my route as I would still be quite apprehensive running down quiet, poorly lit streets in the dark. It was cold enough that my breath was clearly visible and cars were covered in dew but my run was good after warming up and managed 5.33 km in just over 30 minutes. Last night I saw a you-tube video featuring the barefoot running coach Lee Saxby talking about barefoot form, in particular posture. Because of this, I focused on staying upright during my run today and it seemed to make things feel a little easier. I also didn't notice my calves so much during the run and hopefully their adaptation is continuing. I need to start doing some more core and strengthening work as I have been neglecting this of late and now I am experiencing a little flare up on my right-lower back which is fine provided I am maintaining a good posture.

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